The awe factor of fish, seaweeds and mussels

It was a grey Saturday, this third of November 2018. It was grey outside, but very cosy at the Swansea Science Festival. The SMARTAQUA team welcomed visitors of all ages and backgrounds.


We had seaweeds, mussels, and fish. We had them all, in all sizes. Kids and (Grand)parents gazed in awe at the eggs that you can see through – the zebrafish eggs. They held their breath at the heartbeat of zebrafish larvae.  Mesmerized they were while extracting DNA from strawberries.


“Do you have all this at Swansea University?”, a parent of three asked. “Yes, the SMARTAQUA team works with aquatic organisms to improve biomedical research, the ornamental fish industry, and aquafeeds at the Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Research.”

Watch our video to learn more



SMARTAQUA: aquaculture beyond food is supported by the Welsh Government and the European Regional Development Fund.

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