The Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Research (CSAR) pioneered lumpfish farming in the UK. CSAR is the only facility in the UK involved in the collection of lumpfish broodstock to harvest fresh milt and eggs for incubation. Our research has produced nine Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). Please click on each title to open the PDF file.
1. Sampling for pathogen screening in the lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus)
This SOP guides the user on the best practice methods for pre-screeninig male lumpfish and the post-screening of female lumpfish
This SOP provides the guidelines for the safe transport of lumpfish larvae within bags and insulated boxes
3. Reception and Traceability of Lumpfish Broodstock
This SOP guides the user on the best practice methods for receiving lumpfish into a quarantine facility, and ensuring traceability broodstock during the season
4. Lumpfish Milt Extraction and Storage
This SOP guides the user on the best practice methods for extracting and storing lumpfish milt
5. Lumpfish stripping and egg fertilisation
This SOP guides the user on selecting broodstock, harvesting eggs and milt and best practice for the successful fertilization of eggs.
6. Treatment of Lumpfish Eggs with Buffodine®
This SOP guides the user on the best practice methods treating lumpfish eggs with Buffodine® and transferring them into RAS B
This SOP guides the user on the best practice methods for PIT tagging lumpfish
This SOP guides the user on the best practice method for vaccinating lumpfish
This SOP describes the protocol used in CSAR for lumpfish weaning which is more prolonged than other examples from industry but it can decrease mortality over the weaning period.